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Training Sock Discounts Apply !
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Training Sock

Description: Some agencies’ attorneys demand that the agency use beanbag/sock rounds to train with. The Training Sock has flight characteristics virtually identical to our Drag Stabilized Bag (and every body else’s drag stabilized bags for that matter) which gives the officer the experience almost identical to the real thing but at a significantly lower price, usually LESS THAN HALF THE PRICE. Internationally recognized blue core identifies this round as a training round. The orange marker on the shell crimp further identifies the round and does not hinder the weapon or the round’s performance in any way. Environmentally friendly primer makes this round usable at the ‘green’ ranges. This munition can be used on livestock/animal control as well but we do not recommend that it be used on people at any range. Environmentally friendly filler available to give you a truly, ‘green,’ round. Sorry, this round is available for law enforcement personnel, agencies only. Price assumes original FET Exemption form on file with us. VOLUME DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE FOR ORDERS OVER 100 ROUNDS!!! Environmentally friendly filler available to give you a truly, ‘green,’ round. Volume Discounts available. CALL FOR QUOTE. Volume discounts available. Sorry, this round is available for law enforcement personnel, agencies only. Price assumes original FET Exemption form on file with us.

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Price: $64.50

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